New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan’s magic continues to captivate the audience. In just three days of its release, Jawan has registered staggering numbers. Starring Shah Rukh Khan and Nayanthara, Jawan is on a record-breaking spree. According to a report by Sacnilk, Jawan has performed well on its first 3 days at the box office and earned ₹ 206.06 Cr India net.
On the Day 3, Jawan has collected Rs 68.72 crore nett (Hindi) at the box office. Witnessing history before our eyes, Jawan is the highest single-day collection, thus, creating a history. Interestingly, Jawan earned more than it did on Day 1. No wonder, it has become the highest opener of 2023 and of all time.
The 4-day extended weekend served Jawan well. The numbers are looking to be in the range of 243-248 crores in Hindi and around 275-280 crores in all versions.
‘Jawan’ is a Red Chillies Entertainment presentation directed by Atlee, produced by Gauri Khan, and co-produced by Gaurav Verma. The film released worldwide in theatres on September 7th, 2023, in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu languages.
Directed by Atlee, Jawan also stars Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Priyamani, Sanya Malhotra and Ridhi Dogra. The movie also has Deepika Padukone in a cameo